Turning Today’s Science into Toadys Patient Benefit to better equip and empower a them to more effectively response and survive.

Empower The Patient - Increase Survival

Empower Our Supporters – Exponentially Increase Survival.
~We Help you Help Yourself~


Your Surgeon


Our Australian Foundation have partnered with Genomic Focus

Making it easier for patients and their medical professionals to locate up-to-date information
about treatments and clinical trials by mutation type.
Genomic Focus’s commitment and solutions stem from a deep-rooted personal story.

Breaking News

Study of CF33-hNIS (VAXINIA), an Oncolytic Virus, as Monotherapy or in Combination With Pembrolizumab in Adults
with Metastatic or Advanced Solid Tumors (MAST)

Lead With Responsibility

How can I become the best patient that I can be – that is my responsibility,

This is the quality that inspires those around us to rise above their best – that can only be a good thing in building an effective team around our challenge.

Shifting Perceptions: Changing the Angle of Attack:

To succeed over cancer is to dismantle the diagnosis, to strip it of its reputational packaging, to see it as it really is, not as you fear it is. It is only then that you will be ready to effectively respond.

Follow the Process: The Process methodically breaks the cancer down into small, winnable pieces. It keeps you focused on conquering each step in front of you now – today, removing the disempowering distractions posed by the enormity of the challenge. One step seamlessly follows the next wearing down the cancer’s defences.” Steve Holmes – Patient

Biliary Tree


‘Cholangio Challengers’ is our

Empowered Community Response


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Need to Talk: Call Steve Anytime

+61 415 153 522

+61 415 153 522

Patient & Caregiver-Led Meetings

Any Question – Any Topic

Hosted by Patients Karen O’Hagan-Humphries & Ben Kikuchi
Message Karen | Message Ben

  • For Patients, Caregivers & Supporters

  • Meet others like yourself

  • Asking question is the fastest way to learn

World Cholangiocarcinoma Day

Light Australia Green

90 (and counting) of Australia’s best landmarks are going Green on the 15th of February to signify respect for those who fought hard and have fallen and fortitude to those we fight for today. This is just one step in the process to turn patients into survivors.

Hello, my name is Karen, I am a stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma patient. The Light Australia Green initiative is my way of contributing ‘something special’ with the opportunity I still have. There can be no greater gift in life than being free to share our knowledge, experience, and wisdom in a manner that provides benefits beyond ourselves. Something that helps make other patient’s lives more liveable and shines a light on what is possible. ‘Light Australia Green’ is that special light and my ‘something special. 

Warmest Regards

Cholangio Challengers

14,000 kms. Ouch!
Cycling Around Australia

I am currently cycling the equivalent of Australia’s coastline for our Cholangio Warriors:

Imagine pedaling the entire coastline of Australia Yip pretty nuts! – that’s 14,000 kms, a challenging journey, but one with a purpose far greater than the distance. Thanks to all those who have jumped on and supported this effort so far, it certainly helps fire up my tiring legs, especially into the many summer cyclonic winds,

Why am I doing this? Because I can, I know what it is like to have all hope ripped away. Sure it has been a long steep climb out of a very dark place, but now I can help others do the same.

I am raising funds to ensure that every patient receives a “Smart Interactive Navigator Journal.” Journals and the accompanying digital toolkits provide a very genuine opportunity to flip the diagnosis and prognosis on its head. Following the process embedded into these journals has often been described as turning on a light switch. Night and Day.


Ps. Please say gidday anytime

Visit My Cholangio Challenger Page or Follow my ride on Facebook 

+61 415 153 522

+61 415 153 522

Become A Cholangio Challenger

Align your Efforts and help us help our Patient Warriors and their families who share their pain.

Create your Challenge: From Marathons to Cupcakes, Turn Your Passion and Support into a Slingshot That Slays the Cholangio Beast Today!